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Club Competitions / Championships

CTC runs three categories of Club Championships during the year. The goal of the Championships is to cater for all players who are involved at the club and to ensure that these dates fall outside of the traditional GNTA League Season. These are:

Junior Championships

The Junior Championships is organised immediately after the September School break and is also run over a period of 3 to 4 Saturdays, depending on the entries and draw sizes.

All Junior Members and Junior League Members are eligible to enter the Junior Championships. The following events are played:

  • Singles (Boys and Girls)
  • Doubles (Boys and Girls)
  • Where necessary, the coaches may elect to add a Green Dot event
  • A Plate event is also held in all the respective events for players losing their 1st match

Championships rules and regulations can be found in the CTC Policy Section.

CTC PolicyCTC Policy

Senior Championships

Senior Championships takes place in October for all Full Members that are 50+. In order to qualify, any Full Member who is 50+ or still to turn 50 in the year of the championships is eligible to participate.

The Senior Championships takes place on Saturdays and runs for 3 to 4 Saturda’s, depending on the size of entry and draws.

The following Senior Events are played:

  • Singles (Men and Women)
  • Doubles (Men and Women)
  • Mixed Doubles
  • A Plate event is also held in all the respective events for players losing their 1st match

Championships rules and regulations can be found in the CTC Policy Section.

CTC PolicyCTC Policy

Club Championship Factsheets/Information Sheets

CTC makes use of the Sporty HQ tournament management system, as used by TSA.

All draws and order of play information pertaining to the respective Championships can be found by clicking on the respective link or going directly to CTC Sporty HQ site.

CTC LaddersCTC Ladders (Coming Soon)

DrawsDraws (Coming Soon)

FixturesFixtures (Coming Soon)

ResultsResults (Coming Soon)

League Championships

CTC participates in the two main league seasons as organised by Gauteng North Tennis Association (GNTA). League Seasons and Events are as follows:

Mixed Doubles League (May - Jun)

Mixed league takes place on Saturday afternoons. Play commences at 12:30 and, depending on where the fixture is being played and court availability, can run for the whole Saturday afternoon.

Mixed League teams consist of 4 men and 4 women. Combinations are ranked from 1 to 4 within the team. Each couple plays two matches.

Mixed League is played on a Home or Away basis, meaning that teams are expected to travel to clubs in the greater GNTA area.

Clubs are divided into League categories by GNTA based on previous years’ results. The club determines the number of league teams to enter based on the number and general interest of members.

League runs for 5 consecutive weekends, although where a long weekend may be involved, the long weekend does not count as one of the league weekends.



League RulesLeague Rules

Men’s Sunday League (May - Jun)

Men’s Sunday League takes place on Sunday mornings. Play commences at 08:00 and continues until early afternoon, depending on where the fixture is taking place and court availability.

Sunday league teams consist of 6 players in a team. Two players are nominated to play No1 and No2 singles and then combine to play a doubles match. The remaining 4 players are paired together to form two doubles teams that play two doubles matches each.

Men’s League is played on a Home or Away basis, meaning that teams are expected to travel to clubs in the greater GNTA area.

Clubs are divided into League categories by GNTA based on previous years’ results. The club determines the number of league teams to enter based on the number and general interest of members.

League runs for 5 consecutive weekends, although where a long weekend may be involved, the long weekend does not count as one of the league weekends.

CTC has decided against entering a league team for 2017 based on availability of players.


Men’s and Women’s League (Aug - Sept)

Men’s and Women’s leagues are run separately on Saturday afternoons. Play commences at 12:30 and, depending on where the fixture is being played and court availability, can run for the whole Saturday afternoon.

Men’s and Women’s league teams consist of 6 players. Two players are nominated to play No1 and No2 singles and then combine to play a doubles match. The remaining 4 players are paired together to form two doubles teams that play two doubles matches each.

Men’s and Women’s League is played on a Home or Away basis, meaning that teams are expected to travel to clubs in the greater GNTA area.

Clubs are divided into League categories by GNTA based on previous years’ results. The club determines the number of league teams to enter based on the number and general interest of members.

League runs for five consecutive weekends, although where a long weekend may be involved, the long weekend does not count as one of the league weekends.



League Teams & Weekly Arrangements

Please see below the teams for Saturday, 03 September 2016, for Ladies’ and Men’s League. As always, best of luck for the respective teams and enjoy the game. Please note that two teams are playing at home and court 5 will be available for social tennis.

Teams playing at home, please remember to bring a plate of snacks and to report by 12:10. Teams playing away please check travel arrangements with your respective captains.

Men’s League

1st Team (Away against Rietondale at Univ Pta Courts 7 & 8)

  • Erick De Jager (C)
  • Iain Smith
  • JT Prinsloo
  • Chris Scheppel
  • Einar Theron
  • Johan de Klerk

2nd Team (Home against Waverley)

  • Johan Dippenaar (C)
  • Johan Naude
  • Jonathan White
  • Joash Naicker
  • Anton Heydenrych
  • Ewerhard Brits

Ladies’ League

1st Team (Home against Zambezi)

  • Danika Malan
  • Leza Dreyer
  • Amore Castelyn
  • Helga Brits (C)
  • Heleen vd Walt
  • Heidi Botha/Annelien de Jager

2nd Team

Has a bye, but ladies, please come and enjoy some social play!

Fun Day Events

CTC hold the following fun days on an annual basis: CTC 24 Hour, Wimbledon Day and another few social events.

CTC 24 Hour

The CTC 24 Hour event is an exciting 24 hours of fun, where players play through the night to see how many games can be played in total. Players of all ages and playing ability are welcome. Bring along some friends and join in the fun. It’s about endurance, stamina and not sleepwalking…

Wimbledon Day

The CTC Wimbledon Day is traditionally held on Women’s Singles day (Saturday). Strawberries and cream is served, along with our own soup. It is a fun day for all members with special fun prizes and lucky draws. Play starts at 11:00 and continues through the afternoon.

Social Events

CTC tries to hold two additional CTC Fun days during the year. However, the year programme often dictates when these fun days will be and often forms part of the AGM or Championship prize giving. Keep an eye on the Year Planner for final dates and information.

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